Friday, September 13, 2013

Hot Topic: Facebook Groups

Since the topic of a Facebook group keeps popping up, here is all you need to know about the ones currently in place. There are at least 2, to my knowledge, Facebook groups.

I'm only laying this out like this so there is no confusion, not to start any type of drama.

One is ran by 3 Bumpies and there are requirements for joining (listed below). There is another group that was created by some ladies who were not a fan of the guidelines for joining, mostly the post count requirement. Just know that the first Facebook group is made up of active, participating members on The Bump, the second consists of mostly lurkers who don't like the format of The Bump. I'm not sure who admins that group so if you want to join the secondary group, you'll have to call them out specifically. If someone from that group would like me to list who to contact to join the secondary group, please let me know.

Guidelines for joining the original Facebook group
These guidelines were put in place to make sure that the ladies joining the group would feel comfortable and "know" the ladies in the group from The Bump. It's also to keep out lurkers and people who could potentially be stalkers/scammers. We share our real names, pictures and talk about more intimate topics on Facebook, so we hope you can understand why our rules are put into place. It's in no way to exclude anyone, as everyone has a chance to meet the requirements and join.

1. You must have at least 100 posts on the January '14 board. You may participate on various other boards, but if you'd like to be in the January 14 group, we have to know you on the January 14 Bump page.

2. Those 100 posts have to be done within a 2 month time frame. Even if you have been around from the start with over 100 total posts, you NEED to have 100 posts on the 1/14 board within the last 2 months.  We understand life is busy and it can be hard to log on all the time, but in a given 60 day time frame, that averages out to 2 posts a day. That is not hard to obtain! If for whatever reason you find yourself traveling, busy with work, not having internet access and you let us know of your absence ahead of time on The Bump, that will be taken into consideration.

3. You have to be recognized by 2 other members of the FB group. Normally we look for more than that, but 2 is all that is required. This is an example of something we post on the Facebook page. "jldubb0626 is requesting to join the group. She meets the posts counts and has been around since our BFP's. Does anyone else recognize her?"

Hint: To help other members recognize you, a siggy on The Bump with a picture (doesn't have to be personal) and a ticker is extremely helpful! We have a lot of active members on The Bump and it can be hard to remember someone's Bump name without something to jog our memories.

4. Once you are in the group, you must participate! Again, we know life is busy but the FB group is not for lurkers. If you want to lurk, you can lurk the threads on The Bump. UPDATE: We have raised the posting requirement to 3 times a week.  If you do not meet this 3 times a week posting requirement, we'll notify you via a shout out on the Facebook group. If you fail again to meet the once a week posting requirement within a week or two, you'll be removed without a second warning. Like the guideline for The Bump, if you let us know about planned leave of absences, that will be taken into consideration for your requirement.

5. To join this group, you have to contact one of the three listed Bumpies. You can do so by starting a thread on the January 14 Bump page with our names in it, or sending us a private message.

jldubb0626, buckeyebride22 and katie-lynn3313

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